LONGTIME PD00嘉实多castrol optimol欧润宝高速长寿油脂LONGTIME PD00,1,2嘉实多castrol optimol欧润宝高速长寿油脂LONGTIME PD00,1,2嘉实多castrol optimol欧润宝高速长寿油脂LONGTIME PD00,1,2嘉实多castrol optimol欧润宝高速长寿油脂LONGTIME PD00,1,2 嘉实多castrol optimol欧润宝高速长寿油脂LONGTIME PD00,1,2,耐温脂OPTITEMP MT,高温脂THERMOGREASE 2极温脂VISCOTEMP,低速脂INERTOX HEAVY硅脂OPTISIL FM低温脂OPTINTEMP TTI低温脂OPTINTEMP LG2开式齿轮油脂OPTITEMP OG 0食品油脂OBEEN UF中央润滑食品油脂OLIT CLS高温链条油 VISCOGEN KL3,23,300食品油 F+D FLUID电导油 OPTIFLUID W OPTIMOL Sprays
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Email:1422549828@qq.com 电话:0755-27524997
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Castrol Molub-Alloy®Chain Oil 22
Castrol Molub-Alloy Chain Oil 22 is a multiservice chain lubrican t design ed for use in variety of plant-wide
general applications. Molub-Alloy Chain Oil 22 is recommended f or u se in an y application s where light
viscosity petroleum-type lu brican ts ar e requ ir ed.
Molub-Alloy Chain Oil 22 is a part of Castrol Performa nce Lubrica nts’ Eco-Solutions
product offering.
Formulated to address environmental concerns, it is free of lead, chlorinated solvents , barium and antimony. It
contains less than 2 ppm of phenol.
Molub-Alloy Chain Oil 22 is manufactu r ed f r om th e h i ghest quality compon e nts, car ef ully selected f or th eir
compatibility with Molub-Alloy lubricating so li ds and their recommended applications.
Lubricating solids of su itable grade ar e trea te d to in crease th eir n a tu ral positive af fini ty to metal surf aces an d are
completely disp ersed to assure ef fectiveness during the lubricant’s full working life.
This oil is addit ionally compou nded to inhibit oxid ation an d to protect ag ainst ru st and corr osion.
Antiwear properties are deri ved from Molub-Alloys’s fo r mulation whic h is nonc orro sive to all fe rrous a nd
nonferrous me t a ls.
Molub-Alloy Chain Oil 22 is used on c onve yors and c ha ins oper a ting a t ele va te d tempe ra ture s to 150°C
(302°F), inte rmi ttently to 177° C (350°F).
Molub-Alloy Chain Oil 22 is a lso an excellent lubricant for wire rope, especially with sisa l or polypropylene core.
It is h ighly in hi bited again st r ust and co rrosion to protect th e rope from within.
Apply Molub-Alloy Chain Oil 22 by brush, drip, spray, mist , au tomatic dispensing equi pment, an d central oilin g
or circulation systems.
• Reduced fr icti on, most evident und er boundary cond itions, is directly attribu ted to the presence of speciall y
compounded lubricating solids. This benefit is most pro no unced where fr equ e nt start- up, slow speeds, an d
high or sh ock loads are en cou ntered.
• Substantial inc r ease in the working life of both part s and lubricant is provided by the establishment of a
protective layer of Molub-A ll oy solids. T his increas es load bearin g area s which can redu ce unit pressu re
and wear.
• Realistic energy savin gs th rough a reduction in peak power demand during cold start-up.
• The semi-dry lubrication attribute of Molub -Alloy Chai n Oil 22 provides a very light f ilm, resulting i n the
chain or wire rope ha ving the appe aran ce of a “dry chain “, yet it is positively lu bricated. This en sure s
minimum pick-up of abrasive dusts, lint, sand and other particles, thus eliminatin g the problem of such
foreign matter being retained to form an abr a sive compou nd which can sh orten ch ain life.
• Overall savings are derived from the abov e and result fr om less labor and downtim e , smoother, mor e
ef ficien t operation with lon ger parts lif e, and extend ed lubrication cycles.