您现在的位置:惠州市祥润通化工科技有限公司首页 > 产品中心 > 嘉实多成型油LF Cutting Oil
2024年12月18日 星期三


  • 嘉实多成型油LF Cutting Oil

  • 品牌:嘉实多
  • 规格:18L/200L
  • 材质:
  • 产地:太仓 新加坡
  • 更新时间:2015-08-26
  • 联系方式

    18118756129  /  0755-29101232

    熊海生 先生(销售部经理

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As it has strong detergency and excellent lubrication performance, it provides machines with good machining capability.

1. Characteristics
(1) Application of good lubrication improver provides excellent machining performance.
(2) As it uses highly refined base oil,
- it prohibits the skin from irritation, it provides the comfortable working environment because it
does not generate flying and bad odor during processing,
- it has strong oxidation stability and thus it does not produce oxidized foreign materials, and
- it has a high flash point and thus it reduces the risk of fire.
(3) It is transparent and thus it has a good visibility.
(4) It is highly resistant to corrosion which is caused by iron and non ferrous metals.
(5) It has a strong detergency and thus it prevents pores from being plugged by foreign materials.
(6) It is an environment friendly product which have no chlorinated pressure withstanding additives.

2. Typical Property
(1) Specific density (15/4°C) 0.87
(2) Kinetic viscosity (40°C,mm2/s) 8.3
(3) Color (ASTM) L0.5
(4) Color (Apparent) Yellow and transparent
(5) Flash point (°C/Cleveland) 156
(6) Copper corrosion (100°C/1hr) 1a

3. Directions for Use
(1) Applicable Concentration: Crude oil
(2 Operation temperature: Max 40°C
(3) Remove sludge and chip, etc. inside tank to prevent them from excessive accumulation.
(4) For problems of the used fluid, request the analysis of fluid.
(5) Keep it inside indoor place wher the temperature is hardly changed and out of direct rays of the
sun In case it should be kept outdoors, take proper measures to avoid the direct rays of the sun.

深圳市旺润达商贸有限公司是从事专业销售和批发司是以“薄利多销求生存,服务求信益”为经营理念。“质量第一,顾客至上,送货快捷”为宗旨。长期供应机械设备油、金属加工油、特种润滑脂等:福斯润滑油、美孚润滑油、壳牌润滑油、加德士润滑油,嘉实多润滑油,BP润滑油。如:抗磨液压油,发电机油,导轨油,切削油,传热油,齿轮油,防锈油,白矿油,火花机油,空压机油,纺织机油,淬火油,涡轮机油,真空泵油,乳化油,柴油机油系列。业务范围涵盖电力、冶炼、造船、汽车、家电、航运、造纸、物流运输等。产品品种、备货充足,可以随时满足市场需求。 欢迎您的来电:18118757667   李思思   0755-29032325传真:0755-29032326 QQ374799869






  • 联系人: 熊海生 先生
  • 位: 销售部经理
  • 话: 0755-29101232
  • 机: 18118756129
  • 真: 00-传真号码
  • 资质公示 惠州市祥润通化工科技有限公司 地址: 广东省 惠州市 惠州市惠阳区淡水街道凤凰社区
  • 管理入口  技术支持:世铝网 长江有色